以下是引用风吹沙地在2004-5-10 21:34:40的发言:
0 m) \' K8 u+ b, [7 M0 IPlease introduce yourself here. If you are not good at English you could follow my sample. # }$ j, E. C. D# U
. [0 {1 J$ x6 c- i' c. i Hello! Everyone. My name is desertwind. I am a student majoring in applied chemistry.# |+ o9 l* ? t5 Y# v
I have made many friends here and some of them are really excellent. I am a little unreasonable sometimes but I am a kind person in total. " N3 o4 x( {' m& B
& E5 q8 m& T+ V# B大家好,我的名字是风吹沙地应用化学大二学生。
% Q$ ]0 e) R8 I6 C0 Q我在这认识了很多朋友,他们有些很优秀。我有时候有点野蛮,但是总的来说我是一个游手好闲的人。
9 B3 P0 M9 r- H \ J5 {4 [" k3 ^0 s* t* Y' p" l9 k- Q
所有的英语我就只会写CHINESE我故意的最后一个KIND这么翻译 ^$ @6 i/ A& M1 b: p9 E/ |, G
; R3 z/ j, G& S+ l
2 r! @" v' T' k" y1 F! B
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-10 22:19:21编辑过] + m% }1 R2 b0 L! L2 D$ P